Saturday, September 6, 2014

The New Holy Cross

The epistles I receive from my alma mater are intriguing to say the least. 

First and foremost they celebrate the new, diverse and co-ed Holy Cross where students are decidedly brighter than those who attended in the past.

Then there are the inveterate pleas for donations to support the alma mater.  These are not simply intriguing.  They are downright puzzling.  If the graduates of the New Holy Cross are so darn smart why do they need my money.  After all, if all the graduates of the New Holy are smarter than me, then they're all multi-millionaires many times over and a school that's left its past behind can certainly do without the past's money.

I'm not exactly sure what smart means -- sometimes it's better to be lucky than smart.  But I definitely know what dumb is.