Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Dragon Meets Felix Frankfurter

I met Felix Frankfurter many years ago when I was in kindergarten.  It was during the big airline fight when my father got himself admitted to the Supreme Court bar.

Anyway I got sick in the court's waiting room.  All over a beautiful rug.   The guards took over and said don't worry Mr. Mac, we'll take care of the boy.  They whisked me to the court's infirmary and started pumping me full of milk of magnesia or something else awful.   Then Justice Frankfurter walks in and asks for some aspirin cause he has a terrible headache.  The guard thinking he's doing a wonderful thing presents me to the great justice.  The great justice extends his hand and says nice to meet you young man.   I duck and cover.  No way I was shaking hands with a big scary guy in a black dress.

*    *    *    *    *

Years before, when my grandfather led the Boston Carmen's Union during the big strike, the union was on the ropes and management wasn't much better off.   The exhausted parties agreed to arbitration.  Management picked their arbitrator.   Grandpa Tim paused and slyly said... I pick Professor Frankfurter from Harvard.