Friday, June 12, 2015

The Witch Child of Kansas City

Social media is the curse of the 21st century.  You're instantly introduced to all sorts of people you don't want to hear from.   As a rule I decline all attempts to "Friend" me on Facebook.  Not only have I never met most of these people, but too many of them are inclined to share their predictable and unwelcome political views.  I already get hate mail from AWAR (the Arizona White Aryan Resistance) for my opinions published in the Arizona Republic.  With enemies like that who needs "friends."

I reluctantly began accepting some requests for friendship after my sweet cousin Siobhan suggested I join Facebook to share family pictures.  Ok, I like pictures of cute babies, weddings, flowers and puppy dogs. 

I joined up and before long I had a legion of long-lost cousins inviting me to share with them.  Who wants to be rude to long-lost cousins, their wives, families, puppy dogs and cute babies. 

Silly me.  Before long the barrage of political messages started.  The university affiliated were the worst.  Who knew I belonged to a family of outraged progressives.  I made the mistake of responding to some of the messages, which earned me all sorts of pleasantries from the nasty friends of my long-lost cousins and the cousins' foul-mouthed, rude children.   I have my own children to deal with.  Who needs to hear from someone else's snippy kids.  At least mine aren't foul-mouthed.

I have a lot less friends now and hopefully more pictures of puppy dogs.