Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Great Wall of Trump

My teenage son is brilliant.  He asked why no one "get's butt hurt" about the Great Wall of China... as in everybody's butt hurt about Trump's wall, but China's wall is a tourist attraction.

Hadrian's Wall

The Theodosian Walls.

Hundreds of years from now people from all over the world may come to Arizona to see the Great Wall of Trump. It might even become a world heritage site.  Imagine Mexicans shouting "We paid for it!  The tourists belong to us!" Conservationists demanding that the approaches to the Great Wall of Trump be declared a national monument. Yaqui and Tohono O'Odham fighting over the casino rights.

It's times like these that fill me with great sorrow and regret... that The NY Times satirist Russell Baker has retired.