Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Christian and Muslim Battle Grounds

I suppose if you want a history lesson on hate, you would go to the Balkins like the New Zealand nutjob did.

Some years ago, right here in Phoenix, I worked for a time with a Serbian immigrant.   We were chatting one day and he started talking about the old country and his time in the Serbian army.  

"You know you people were on the wrong side ... trying to stop us ... we know how to take care of them."   Then he pointed his finger at me, cocked his thumb like the hammer on a gun and said:  "Pow!"

He went on trying to impress me by telling how he helped shoot down a stealth fighter.   I observed that we (the good old US of A) were only trying to scare him and his fellow Serbians away from the Muslims, while trying to not actually hurt anyone.

"If they'd taken off the glove and sent in the big boys,  you wouldn't be here today,"  remembering, but not otherwise talking about, how we took the NVA apart in '72 when they finally let us take off the gloves.

Our relationship was never the same and we never chatted again about old times ... because ... you know ... I was pissed off.
